Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And Thus Begins My Blog.

My blog! Irony is the fact that I have not yet had one. I feel the need to pour out words on paper like...(well, the word picture that instantly popped into my head is not too flattering to my skills. Let's find something better.) don't know. And the irony continues.

But here's a funny bit of information for you. While I was looking for a URL (thinking I might go with the hosting company I already use for other sites), I had a few humorous automatically-generated suggestions from the domain name service. was, unfortunately and not surprisingly, taken. However, if I act fast, I can be the proud owner of "". Flip it around and you're onto something: "". Now who wouldn't want a piece of mind-cake! I'll take one! Maybe then I could think of some clever little word picture to slip into the beginning of this somewhat useless post.

At any rate, welcome to my strange and eclectic world. Tell your friends.


  1. How fun that you're blogging! I was thinking of Ann Voskamp as I read your beginning above, and then saw that One Thousand Gifts is one of your favorite books. :) I've only read a chapter so far, but am hooked, and for some reason she came to mind as I read you. Enjoy this great outlet. Blessings to you!

  2. So proud of you, Danielle!! Keep going, girl. I have a feeling that your heart and mind are really going to sink into a groove here, friend! :)

    Warmest Blessings,
